Having a Rockn' Time in Hollywood Studios

Our Final day in Disney was spent in Hollywood Studios and it was so much fun! We really enjoyed Rock n' Roller coaster and went on it twice! One of my all-time favorite rides is the Tower of Terror, it's so much fun and the tower itself is designed so realistically. My little cousin got to meet his favorite character from Star wars and it was so cute! The storm troopers from Star wars were so cool they acted so serious and they acted like they were really storm troopers. For dinner we went to the Brown Derby and had a really good meal. My favorite part of the day was seeing the fireworks. It was the first time that I stayed at the park long enough to watch them. Sadly Hollywood Studios was our last day in Disney but I had so much fun and I can't wait to go back!
On Rockn' Roller-coaster

On The Tower of Terror


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